主講人 :國立中央大學資工系 楊鎮華 講座教授

主  題:精準教育:人工智慧在教育的新挑戰
     Title: Precision education: new challenges for AI in education

時  間:108412(星期五)下午15:00-17:00

地  點:國研大樓5034會議室






楊教授1995年畢業於美國伊利諾大學芝加哥校區資訊工程博士,研究專長包括教育雲、大數據、學習分析、人工智慧、磨課師。至今已發表超過70SSCISCI學術期刊論文。楊教授在Google ScholarCitation indices超過一萬次,特別是在主要研究領域Artificial Intelligence in education citation次數居世界排名第七,Learning analyticscitation 次數居世界排名第八,Education data miningcitation次數居世界排名第三,MOOCscitation次數居世界排名第三。




Title: Precision education: new challenges for AI in education


After decades of research on AI in education, we have solved some problems and are facing new challenges. Precision education is one of the new challenges of applying artificial intelligence, machine learning, and learning analytics for adaptive and individualized learning in a context-aware ubiquitous learning environment. The goal of Precision education is to identify at-risk students as early as possible and provide timely intervention based on student learning experiences. In this research, at-risk students are confined to students who were diagnosed could get low GPA (low academic performance), could drop/withdraw a course, or students who were low engagement in terms of learning behavior, emotion, and cognition.

The idea of Precision education came from The Precision Medicine Initiative (https://obamawhitehouse.archives.gov/precision-medicine), which was proposed by President Obama in his 2015 State of the Union address, the Initiative is a new research effort to revolutionize the medical treatment of disease. As addressed in this Initiative, most treatments were designed for the average patients as a result of one-size-fits-all-approach without taking into account individual differences in people
s genes, environments, and lifestyles; similarly, most pedagogy is designed not fully consider students genes IQ, learning styles, learning environments, and learning strategies. Therefore, by carrying the research focus of Precision medicine, which is to improve the diagnosis, prediction, treatment, and prevention of disease, we define the new challenges of Precision education on emphasizing the improvement of diagnosis, prediction, treatment, and prevention of at-risk students.
